Publications “Globalization”
Career Paths in a Globalized World
Contrary to popular belief, the rate of redundancy in the manufacturing sector, which is highly exposed to international competition, is lower than in tradable services...
Transnational company agreements. Should firms self-regulate on social matters?
This study is a concise, simplified adaptation of a PhD thesis on social law defended by Mathilde Frapart at the University of Strasbourg in September 2016, and...
Does foreign investment drive reindustrialisation in the United Kingdom?
For decades, the United Kingdom has made attracting foreign companies a key aspect of its industrial policy. The country’s public authorities were convinced from an...
Executive summary Dynamics of tradable and non-tradable employment in France
This note therefore compares jobs exposed to international (tradable jobs) competition with those not exposed to it (non-tradable jobs), both of which types are found in industry and services.
Internationalization, business performance and employment
Public opinion often associates the internationalization of companies with relocations, factory closures, more intense foreign competition, and more generally, the...