Career Paths in a Globalized World
Contrary to popular belief, the rate of redundancy in the manufacturing sector, which is highly exposed to international competition, is lower than in tradable services...
Transnational company agreements. Should firms self-regulate on social matters?
This study is a concise, simplified adaptation of a PhD thesis on social law defended by Mathilde Frapart at the University of Strasbourg in September 2016, and...
Does foreign investment drive reindustrialisation in the United Kingdom?
For decades, the United Kingdom has made attracting foreign companies a key aspect of its industrial policy. The country’s public authorities were convinced from an...
The industry of the future: Technical progress? Social progress? A Franco-German approach
This note is the synthesis of a series of meetings we did in 2016 and 2017 organized by the Jean Jaurès Foundation, the Friedrich- Ebert Foundation and La Fabrique de l’industrie.
Portraits of workers: understanding the quality of work life
Consensus is growing that business performance can be increased by improving employees’ quality of work life (QWL) through granting them greater autonomy in their...
Rebounding and reinventing: the resilience of mid-market companies
This Note takes the work further and looks at the resilience of these companies, in other words their capacity to stand up to a crisis, sometimes even using it as a springboard to bounce back...
Executive summary Dynamics of tradable and non-tradable employment in France
This note therefore compares jobs exposed to international (tradable jobs) competition with those not exposed to it (non-tradable jobs), both of which types are found in industry and services.
Quality of working life : a source of competitive advantage. Reform the way work is organized
Psychosocial risks, work-related stress, occupational health, quality of working life (QWL), wellbeing and happiness at work. Studies of life at work employ a...
The industry of the future: global competition
Industrial processes, value chains and business models are about to undergo a profound transformation, mostly due to the integration of digital technologies.
How to successfully involve workers on the board
The French agreement of 11 January 2013, established between social partners and relating to protecting employment, institutes worker representation on boards of...
Risk and Precaution
The precautionary principle is sometimes accused of creating an obstacle to innovation development, or even industrial activity. It is not so much its legal application...
Regulation, standardization: drivers of industrial competitiveness
Regulation and standardization are determining factors for the competitiveness of companies and countries and they are based on different systems. We make a distinction...
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