Is disruptive innovation only for start-ups?
Where are disruptive innovations being born today, on what continents and in what types of institutions? This book presents an original analysis of patent data covering 12 technological fields, 8...

Is Remote Working Shaping the Future of Work?
This book intends to raise the question of remote working beyond the pandemic episode and what it teaches us.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Friend or foe of European industry?
In this working paper, La Fabrique examines the different scenarios of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) foreseen by the European Commission and their possible consequences on manufacturing...
Beyond liberated companies. An investigation into autonomy and its constraints
This note presents the results of a study devised to improve our understanding of the different practices that aim to encourage employees to be more autonomous in professional communities.
In search of the intangible: understanding the investments of French industry
French manufacturing companies’ rate of investment in intangible assets is higher than that of their European partners, yet with no significant impact on competitiveness and productivity. In this...
The surprising disparity between industrial areas
This note therefore studies the mainsprings of performance in the French provinces, in...
Is France at risk from protectionism?
This note analyses how France is exposed to the risk of protectionism by examining how our industrial companies integrate into global value chains.
Organization and Skills in the Factory of the Future
The objective of this note is to identify emerging practices to organize work and manage skills in factories that have successfully modernized their production system.
Business growth drivers for SMEs: build-ups and alliances
Produced in partnership with the Technical Centre for Mechanical Industry (Cetim), this is the third note by La Fabrique de l’Industrie on the growth of manufacturing SMEs and mid-sized...
Do French companies make efficient investments?
To attempt to answer these questions, this note looks at the aggregated behaviour of investment by French companies from 1995 to 2016, and compares it with that of their European counterparts in...
Social Representations of Work Caught Up in a Storm
The crisis impacting work and education is also about words: manual labour vs intellectual work, technical knowledge vs general knowledge, vocational training vs general training, blue-collar...
Voyage into Italy’s industry of the future
This publication is the result of a journey to visit a sample of Italian companies, starting in 2014 and ending in spring 2016.
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