Marie-Madeleine Pérétié
Marie-Madeleine Pérétié est ancienne journaliste, et travaille à l’ARACT Île de France (Association régionale pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail) où elle est en charge de l’ingénierie du transfert. Elle pilote les activités de transfert d’outils, de méthodes et de connaissances en appui des chargés de mission et en coordination avec l’Anact.
La publication de Marie-Madeleine Pérétié
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Quality of working life : a source of competitive advantage. Reform the way work is organized
Psychosocial risks, work-related stress, occupational health, quality of working life (QWL), wellbeing and happiness at work. Studies of life at work employ a...
Nos dernières publications
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How do disruptive innovations start? Industry drawing from global science
Disruptive innovation emerges at the intersection of scientific research and the ability to transform discoveries into strategic technologies. Where does France stand compared to the United States,...
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Is disruptive innovation only for start-ups?
Where are disruptive innovations being born today, on what continents and in what types of institutions? This book presents an original analysis of patent data covering 12 technological fields, 8...
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Is Remote Working Shaping the Future of Work?
Par Marie-Laure Cahier et Suzy Canivenc
This book intends to raise the question of remote working beyond the pandemic episode and what it teaches us.